Noel Park Big Local Plan
One of the key goals we wish to achieve with this plan is a closer community
and pride in the area as a whole: several projects aim to deliver on these goals (e.g. provision of activities for older and young people, gardening clubs and measures to try and combat fly-tipping).
We aim to address key issues in the NPBL area across the following themes and their sub-projects.
The Plan 2019-23
This is the second plan submission in the lifetime of NPBL, covering the remaining five years of the Big Local scheme. The NPBL group has evolved from a small core group of people representing several groups and organisations into a group of 7 partners with residents representing the areas of Noel Park, Page High and The Sandlings.
Our core themes have been carried over from the first plan, the headers (see below) have been suggested by the NPBL group and all projects have come from the consultation process and the group’s own submissions.
By delivering the projects and initiatives outlined in this plan, NPBL aims to:
- Build on successes from the first plan
- Continue to support existing projects and groups
- Reinvigorate co-operation with groups that we worked with in the past
- Facilitate new opportunities for local people
- Provide community hubs, activities and educational opportunities
- Rekindle a feeling of pride in the area
- Create a cleaner, greener and more environmentally sustainable NPBL area
Our Themes

The NPBL plan is a holistic one. Several projects fit into more than one theme and everything links together.
One of the key goals we wish to achieve with this plan is a closer community and pride in the area as a whole: several projects aim to deliver on these goals (e.g. provision of activities for older and young people, gardening clubs and measures to try and combat fly-tipping). We aim to address key issues in the NPBL area across the following themes and their sub-projects.
The following projects work across multiple themes:
- By setting up a programme of clubs and classes, we will be utilising the community hubs as well as providing activities and resources for young people, older and vulnerable people
- By setting up planting schemes and gardening clubs, we aim to provide activities for older and young people as well as improving the environment
- By looking at heritage and conservation-related projects, we aim to improve the local environment, creating a greener and more attractive place to live which will enrich everyone’s lives

Community Hubs & Spaces
Our Research
Lack of community space is a recurring theme in Noel Park. The need for community space was reflected during the NPBL consultation, with a great deal of support for community hubs and spaces related projects including:
- Youth clubs
- Addition of park fitness facilities
- Kitchen and a café in a community hub
- Children’s play areas
- Vegetable patch
- Group litter picking
How NPBL will deliver
In response to this, NPBL aims to fulfil this requirement by:
- Creating new community hubs
- Supporting existing community hubs
- Setting up a programme of classes for local residents
- Holding a series of health-related pop-ups
- Facilitating markets in the local area
- Holding a local carnival
- Setting up play schemes for working parents
- Setting up plays and drama projects
Key Goals
The key goals of this theme are to:
- Provide space for local activities
- Improve social integration
- Provide educational enrichment
- Reduce isolation
- Improve skills of local people
- Increase visibility of NPBL
- Support the local homeless and vulnerable people
- Support locally run workshops and clubs
- Better use the local spaces and buildings
- Increase pride in the local area
- Update signage and facilities
Get in touch with us to find out how we’re delivering on our themes:

Enterprise & Employment
Our Research
Consultation included local residents who are members of Wood Green Enterprise Forum, a project carried over from the previous NPBL plan.
Members of the forum and other local residents showed a great deal of support for projects that can help create an environment where enterprises can thrive and businesses will provide local jobs for local people.
How NPBL will deliver
NPBL aims to build a range of programmes looking at all levels of enterprise and employment, including:
- Career support
- Job fairs
- Meet-ups for home-based workers
- Grant programmes/community chest
- NPBL soup programme
- Business meet-ups
- Social enterprise forum and programme
Key Goals
The key goals of this theme are to:
- Provide space for local activities
- Improve social integration
- Provide educational enrichment
- Reduce isolation
- Improve skills of local people
- Increase visibility of NPBL
- Support the local homeless and vulnerable people
- Support locally run workshops and clubs
- Better use the local spaces and buildings
- Increase pride in the local area
- Update signage and facilities
Get in touch with us to find out how we’re delivering on our themes:

Improving the Environment
Our Research
A number of environmental concerns emerged during the consultation. It should be noted at this stage that any projects or requests which should be the remit of the local council have been moved to a separate list which will be submitted to the council and does not form part of this plan.
How NPBL will deliver
NPBL aims to address environmental with a grassroots approach by:
- Providing classes in gardening
- Setting up a community compost heap
- Working with local dog owners
- Combatting fly-tipping
- Raising the profile of the local area, focussing on heritage and historical
importance - Contributing to the existing historical photography exhibit
- Investigating recycling facilities for areas which do not currently have them
- Facilitating and setting up local groups to champion environmental projects
- Improving the park
- Planting trees and plants
- Continuing support for the Westbury Banks Nature Reserve
Key Goals
The key goals of this theme are to:
- Improve the look and feel of the area
- Engage residents in activities
- Promote a cleaner and greener community
- Reduce issues with dog mess and irresponsible dog owners
- Reduce littering and fly-tipping
- Maintain and promote key areas of historical interest in the area
- Put Noel Park on the map
- Reduce waste
- Add colour and green to the area
- Continue to support existing and ongoing projects
- Get the Noel Park area looking and feeling like the conservation area that it is
Get in touch with us to find out how we’re delivering on our themes:

Older & Vulnerable People
Our Research
During the consultation, there was a great deal of support for projects to improve the day-to-day lives as well as open up opportunities for older and vulnerable people to be a vital part of the community through volunteering, social entrepreneurism and inter-generational projects.
How NPBL will deliver
NPBL aims to approach this by:
- Setting up a supported programme of classes and clubs
- Providing dining and catering projects
- Setting up a dog visit and befriending scheme
- Creating and supporting gardening projects
- Facilitating a soup kitchen and clothing bank for local homeless and vulnerable people
- Investigating links with existing groups, such as WI
- Continuing to support trips and excursions
Key Goals
The key goals of this theme are to:
- Engage with older people in the area
- Provide a wide range of educational, physical and creative activities
- Combat isolation and loneliness
- Promote well-being and togetherness
- Counteract the lack of day centres and facilities in the area
Get in touch with us to find out how we’re delivering on our themes:

Young People
Our Research
In the past year, Wood Green has been a focal point for youth violence. This was reflected in the responses of local people during the consultation. However, the young people we spoke to were quick to remind us that we should not only focus on the small number of youth involved in violent activities or in danger of being wayward, that we should also provide youth activities for aspirational youth to help them be the best that they can be. Overall, there was a great deal of support for projects relating to young people from people of all ages.
How NPBL will deliver
NPBL aims to fulfil some of the needs of youth in the area by:
- Setting up a programme of local classes and clubs
- Getting young people into sport and fitness
- Providing health pop-ups
- Improving the park
- Putting on trips and excursions
- Providing volunteering opportunities
- Setting up a youth employment scheme holder
Key Goals
The key goals of this theme are to:
- Provide courses and training
- Improve social interaction and well-being
- Improve physical and mental health of our young people
- Provide alternatives to crime and gang culture
- Increase confidence
- Improve play and sport facilities
- Provide career and work support
Get in touch with us to find out how we’re delivering on our themes:
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